Source code for shaderdef.glsl_types

import ast
from typing import (Generic, SupportsAbs, SupportsInt, SupportsFloat,

import attr

[docs]class GlslType(SupportsAbs, SupportsInt, SupportsFloat): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __getattr__(self, name) -> 'GlslType': return GlslType(self, name) def __getitem__(self, index) -> 'GlslType': return GlslType(self, index) def __setitem__(self, index, val) -> 'GlslType': return GlslType(self, index, val) def __abs__(self) -> 'GlslType': return GlslType(self) def __add__(self, other) -> 'GlslType': return GlslType(self, other) def __sub__(self, other) -> 'GlslType': return GlslType(self, other) def __mul__(self, other) -> 'GlslType': return GlslType(self, other) def __truediv__(self, other) -> 'GlslType': return GlslType(self, other) def __int__(self): pass def __float__(self): pass
# pylint: disable=invalid-name mat2 = GlslType mat3 = GlslType mat4 = GlslType vec2 = GlslType vec3 = GlslType vec4 = GlslType
[docs]class void(object): pass
# TODO GlslArrayElem = TypeVar('GlslArrayElem')
[docs]class GlslArray(Generic[GlslArrayElem]): def __init__(self, gtype): pass def __getitem__(self, index): return GlslType(self, index) def __setitem__(self, index, val): return GlslType(self, index, val)
# TODO(nicholasbishop): this is obviously really ugly, and requires # users to define their own type alias for larger arrays. But at least # for now it seems that numbers aren't allowed as type parameters in # the style that C++ allows (e.g. std::array<float, 3>) Array1 = GlslArray Array2 = GlslArray Array3 = GlslArray Array4 = GlslArray Array5 = GlslArray Array6 = GlslArray Array7 = GlslArray Array8 = GlslArray Array9 = GlslArray Array10 = GlslArray Array11 = GlslArray Array12 = GlslArray Array13 = GlslArray Array14 = GlslArray Array15 = GlslArray Array16 = GlslArray @attr.s
[docs]class ArraySpec(object): """Represents an array declaration. This type isn't currently intended to be used by client code directly, it's just a convenient form for internal use. """ element_type = attr.ib() length = attr.ib() @classmethod
[docs] def from_ast_node(cls, node): """Create a GlslArray from an AST node if possible. If the node cannot be converted then None is returned. """ if not isinstance(node, ast.Subscript): return None if not isinstance(node.value, ast.Name): return None name = prefix = 'Array' if not name.startswith(prefix): return None try: num = int(name[len(prefix):]) except ValueError: return None if not isinstance(node.slice.value, ast.Name): return None gtype = return cls(gtype, num)
# TODO triangles = 'triangles' triangle_strip = 'triangle_strip' # TODO
[docs]class noperspective(object): pass